Eid al-Adha

Eid al adha is one day ritual or event which is always celebrated by Muslims in this world every 1st Mukharom.
The history of Eid al-Adha began from the events of the Ismail’s Prophet who was willing to be slaughtered by his father that the Ibrahim’s Prophet command of Allah. However, eventually God sent the Jibril’s Angel to Ismail’s Prophet replace with a goat

Eid al adha or commonly called the day of sacrifice that has enormous significance. Because at that time we were taught to be able to share with the poor and people in distress.

Not much different from the Eid al
Fitri, on the even of Eid alAdha was a lot of people who give greeting face to face, or by telephone, sms, email, etc. on neighbors or relatives respectively.


The Youngs of oath 

The Youngs of oath is one of [the] historic events for all indonesia member especially the youngs people in indonesia.

The Youngs of oath is brainchild from various boy organization likes jong java, , jong ambon, jong celebes, jong batak, jong sumatranen bond, jong islamieten bond, PPPI, kaum betawi may even exist also chinese breed that acts as observer.

Month of Ramadhan

Month of Ramadan is the month where Muslim’s people must resist eating, drinking (fasting) from sunrise until sunset. In addition to fast, we must also guard our words and our actions are always in good working order ...

In every region in Indonesia has a different tradition in welcoming the month of Ramadan. As in
Kudus, before the advent of Ramadan held a show called "Dandangan". Dandangan is a welcome month of Ramadan tradition that held two weeks before the month of Ramadan arrives. Similarly, in Blora where I lived. In welcoming the Ramadan month we carry out celebration event called "Mapak Poso / Ruwahan". Thaat celebration is usually done by people around simultaneously / together. But some are doing it individually celebration ...